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Join us as we feature what has become a very popular dining festivity at Catharsis Restaurant & Lounge – DINING IN THE DARK …


Enjoy a succulent six course meal as the host explains the benefits of each ingredient contained in each course and how it embraces your palate and your senses of smell, hear, touch, and of course, taste. Since your sense of sight is hampered, all of your other senses are on high alert. Simply put, this is a unique dining experience that takes place in utter and complete darkness. Imagine the possibilities…the challenges…the excitement of tasting food you cannot see…not to mention…a very sexy experience… Seating is limited, therefore, reservations are required


6 Course Meal |  $45/person plus tax and gratuity  |  Wine pairing, additional $15


Please call to reserve your seating, (305) 479-2746.